Capacity building on regional power market integration and power market modelling solutions
World region: Central Asia
Sector: International Financial Institution (IFI)
Year: 2020
Impact: Knowledge development
After the fall of the Soviet Union the power systems of the different countries in Central Asia have been operated increasingly independently, an integrated market would bring substantial cost reductions and increases in supply reliability. In this context, we carried out a set of trainings to energy sector officials of Central Asian countries on power market economics, regulation and modelling.
After the fall of the Soviet Union the power systems of the different countries in Central Asia have been operated increasingly independently with rising tensions caused by the competing uses of water for power generation in some countries and agriculture and cotton production in other countries.
It has become clear that regional institutions, and not only national, would be needed to ensure cooperation and trade between the countries. The goal of the program is an integrated power market that effectively utilizes the resources available and increases supply reliability.
In this context, we carried out a set of trainings to energy sector officials of Central Asian countries on power market economics, regulation and modelling.
The training covered integrated power system planning, the competing use of water for agriculture and hydropower, the operational optimization of hydropower plants in the same water basin, and the state of the art of the artificial intelligence tools used for hydrothermal power system planning and operation.