Design of a cloud-based power trading platform
World region: South Asia
Sector: Government Agency
Year: 2022-2023
Impact: Solution design
The electricity market in South Asia is growing at a very high pace. However, many regional utilities are not prepared and digital technology adoption has been lagging. We designed a solution that set the basis for the development of the tool.
The electricity market in South Asia is growing at a very high pace to meet demand growth and the needs for decarbonization. However, many publicly owned regional utilities are not prepared for the changes needed and digital technology adoption has been lagging.
In close cooperation with the agency, we developed an process, architectural and UI design that facilitated end user interactions, validated the use of new technologies and set the basis for the development of the tool. The tool would leverage as much as possible open-source technology, be hosted in the cloud, be centrally managed and easily accessible over secured internet connection.